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A busy summer for the recruiting team

The recruitment team of our unit has been very active during the summer of 2023. We were present in more than 23 kiosks or events surrounding recruitment and visibility, between the months of June and September alone.

Meeting new people and talking about our unit demonstrates our presence in our community and makes our reality as reservists known, which surprisingly is unknown to many.

Of course, our TAPV very easily attracts the attention of curious people!

Here are the major events in which the regiment participated during the summer:

- Rock-Forest public market

- Lennoxville Friendship Day

- Ayer's Cliff Rodeo

- Hatley's and Bury's Canada Day celebrations

- Stoke Public Market

- Lac des Nations Festival

- Coaticook's Fair

- Cookshire's Fair

- Ayer's Cliff's Fair

- Richmond's Fair

- Coaticook's back-to-school celebration

- Sherbrooke's Family Fair

We thank all the members of the regiment who volunteered to participate in these events, but also the organizing committees and business owners who graciously agreed to receive us!

Now that fall has arrived and the training year has started again, the focus will be on the training of our members but also on the processing of new applicants.

Slt Dean Moffatt

Recruiting O

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