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A Holidays tradition !

The regiment recently conducted its traditional troop dinner on December 10th. This event is a way to mark the beginning of the holiday season, but also serves to thank all the members of the troop for the year of training.

Several of the members performed very well on courses during the summer period or participated in fall exercises. In order to underline their performance and their dedication following a more than busy schedule during the year 2022, according to tradition, the NCOs and officers served them the traditional holiday meal.

At the same time, several prizes and promotions were given during the activity.

Here are the recipients of the various awards and commendations :


- Sgt Maxime St-Denis


- Sgt Jean-François Gagnon - Special Service Medal


- Tpr Felix Freniere

- Tpr Thomas Potvin

- Cpl Thomas Cote

- Cpl Bruce Daignault

- Cpl Chris Sylvester

- Cpl Martin

- Sgt Nicolas Bouchard

- Sgt Demers

- Sgt Fournier-Tremblay *

- Sgt Francis Demers

- Sgt Christina Fournier-Tremblay

Trophies :

- Cpl Chris Sylvester – Top Rookie Trophy

- Cpl Jeremy Betteridge – Cpl Denis Lettelier Trophy – Best Cpl

- Sgt Francis Demers – Oakley Trophy – Best MCpl

- MWO Ghislain Hamel – Atholl Trophy – Best senior non-commissioned officer

- 2Lt Dean Moffatt – Douglas Hamilton Bradley Plaque – Best Junior Officer

CO's Commendations:

- Cpl Tommy Gelinas

- Cpl Shawn Langlois

- MCpl Samuel Denis

- Sgt Christina Fournier-Tremblay

- Sgt Sylvain Gagnon

Command Team Coins:

- Cpl Melanie Dekker

- MCpl Philippe Lacasse

- MCpl Annie Tougas

- Mechanics team: MCpl Breton, Cpl Tardif, Cpl Bourdon

We take the opportunity to wish a happy holiday season to all members and friends of the regiment.

We will resume the activities in January with periods of individual training, such as a winter warfare course and an RWS course.

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