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A message from the Sherbrooke Hussars Association

The Sherbrooke Hussars Association has a mandate to preserve our heritage and promote our Regimental history. To this end, it supports projects such as the writing and publication of Lcol (retd) Daniel Braun’s book on the history of the Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment (Green Fields Beyond) which was published in 2021. Another project concerning a more extensive history of the Regiment is also currently under way. We also have projects that will help preserve and highlight Regimental artifacts. The Association also helps support Regimental activities and aims to helps bring together current and former members of the Regiment.

In 2023, we will continue to do this through such things as the Golf Tournament and other activities that will highlight and promote the Regiment’s heritage.

We wish everyone a Happy and healthy year in 2023 and look forward to seeing you at Association activities.

John Hayes, President

In Hoc Signo Stabilitas

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