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Our members get the Milcot qualification

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

The Silverado – Milcot conversion course is accessible for CAF members holding a standard military vehicle operator qualification. Specifically for us, we have to be LUVW G-wagon qualified. This two-day course includes the maintenance portion of the Silverado and its operation as well as use on the road. The minimum required is 50km on roads and highways and 25km in cities and inhabited areas.

Obviously the soldier must pass the road test and receive his CF 1066 evaluation. The course we did in March 2023 allowed us to grant the qualification to 15 new members of the Regiment. In our pre-course planning, we assessed opportunities to qualify trainees on the Business Cube. By confirming available Instructor Examiners, we have confirmed that it was possible to do both qualification in one single weekend. Although the cube qualification does not need a proper course in itself, having the vehicles out on Sunday allowed this qualification to be offered at the same time. So we also allowed the cube qualification (class 3) to 14 new members of Squadron A. It was observed that several members of the Regiment still do not have the trailer qualification to this day, this could probably be offered during the next training year depending on Regimental priorities. The trailer course is 3 days long. See below, some comments from the members on the course.

Capt David Lapalme-Robitaille, Course O

« Puisque je ne conduis qu’avec l’armée, un tel cours est une fantastique opportunité pour moi d’acquérir de l’expérience de conduite et de recevoir des conseils de conducteurs expérimentés. Avec mes nouvelles qualifications sur le milcot et le cube, j’aurai l’occasion d’aller sur de nombreuses tâches et d’aider mon unité davantage lors des exercices. »

Cvr Rheault

« On Saturday morning, we were taught all the specs about the milcot. Then during the afternoon, we were able to test it out for the first time on the roads in Sherbrooke for a short while to get used to how it handles and how to park it in town. On Sunday we did the vehicle inspection in the morning then we headed out to La Patrie for our first stop out of many. Everyone got to drive at least twice. The drive was very well planned out; each crew commander got a detailed list of where we were supposed to stop and at what time. The students were able to look at their sheet and see which vehicle they were supposed to be driving and who was their respective crew commander. The staff were very respectable and explained the test well, so it was straightforward to pass. Overall, a very pleasant and greatly planned out experience. »

Tpr Robidas 455

« Bonjour j'ai suivi le cours conversion MILCOT Silverado ce 25-26 mars 2023. J'ai bien aimé mon expérience de ce cours, les instructeurs étaient à l'écoute des stagiaires, j'ai bien aimé que la méthode du cours soit en petit groupe plus facile pour l'instruction. L'itinéraire était bien choisi il avait de tout et la température était excellente pour la conduite. Après tout on est des blindés on aime ça rouler !!!! »

Cpl Morneau

« Being a candidate on the Silverado Milcot driver course was a rewarding opportunity for me. From the beginning to the end of the course, I appreciated all the experience the instructors had to share with me regarding the mechanical aspect of the vehicle. I enjoyed having the chance to take this course, seeing it will open doors for me with future tasks and give me more opportunities to have a driving role during training. Overall, the course has simply given me the opportunity to excel in my military career, and I look forward to applying what I've learned in the future. »

Cpl van Zuiden 229

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