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Any occasion is good to make a bit of history.

We're looking for a souvenir plaque.

This was offered to the Men's Mess (Troop's Mess) in 1978 following the deployment of our members to CFS ALERT in the Canadian Far North. Back at the unit, it was put in the Men's Mess to pay tribute to the seven members of the Regiment who had completed their deployment to the station.



Tpr D. Morrison (May-August)

Cpl R. Waner (May-August)


Cpl R. Blanchet (May-August)

Cpl L. Couture (May-August)

Cpl D. Currier (May-August)

Cpl M. Giguère (May-August)

Cpl D. Morrison (May-October)

Cpl T. Warner (May-August)

At the time, the men's mess was on the right as you entered the armoury. The plaque remained on the wall from 1978 to 2001. The Sergeants' Mess was located opposite, or on the left when entering the armoury. Note that only the Sergeants' Mess had toilets, unlike the Men's Mess. In 2001, the Troop's Mess moved to the Sergeants' Mess and the latter went up to the second floor near the Officers' Mess. On September, 9, 2001, the 52nd Field Ambulance Orderly Room was dedicated following the unit's 50th anniversary and in 2002 it was named in honor of Sgt André Dupont who died in Cyprus.

During the move, the plate was transferred to the new Troop's Mess as evidenced by a photo taken in 2008. In 2010, it disappeared.

The Regiment is therefore looking for information that could help us trace it. Thanks for your consideration.

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