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Regimental «Cross Belt» project

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

The Army is currently in the process of providing ceremonial uniforms to units that have

been assigned the task of Ceremonial Guards. Brief consideration was given to issuing ceremonial uniforms to other units, but the cost was prohibitive (the exorbitant price actually precluded the purchase). Units, particularly on reserves, must resort to fundraising to purchase ceremonial uniforms or simply pay out of their own pockets.

Modèle actuel qui serait porté par les MR. Pour le modèle des sous-officiers, seule la badge changerait pour celle en sterling.

One method of reducing this cost would be to allow some mixing with ceremonial uniforms. Rifle regiments and Highland regiments already have this mix of ceremonial uniforms.

For almost a year now, the four Hussars regiments, The Sherbrooke Hussars (Sher H), The Royal Canadian Hussars Montreal (RCH), The 8th Canadian Hussars Princess Louise S (Moncton, NB); and The 1st Hussars armour regiment (London, Ont) have joined together to propose a change in dress. Instead of purchasing complete ceremonial uniforms for all four Hussars regiments, by mutual agreement we made a proposal that would allow us to wear the cross-belts with the No. 1 and 1A (the CF) uniforms.

Photo from 1975. We see CWO B. Bourque in the center, he was MWO. The belts had been borrowed from RCH.

The hussar is a military belonging to the light cavalry. The hussars were primarily used for reconnaissance and raids to supply the army on the march. In combat, their function was also to harass the enemy, to seize artillery batteries or to chase troops in the debacle. This traditional role led to several dress distinctions that can be seen today in our 1B (Full dress) uniform. Hussar officers have the clothing distinction of never wearing visible sword belts, therefore the Cross belt commonly known as the "Cross belt" takes on a special meaning.

With this project, we request that the regimental Cross Belt patterns be forwarded to the Director Land Resource Requirements (DLR) for his consideration, to confirm quality control and finally to seal the patterns.

Regimental «Cross Belt» project.

This will allow for cross belts to be distributed through the supply system instead of being purchased by the Regimental unit Funds or by their association.

We currently know of only one regimental model of cross-belt in the Sher H, the black leather model. This project would allow all hussars to wear one. Non-Commissioned.

Photo borrowed from 1st Hus-sars. The model for officers and RSM would look like this. Except that the accessories would be those of the regiment

Members (NCMs) would wear the current model. Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) would also wear the current model, but the badge on the back of the cross-belt would be the coloured sterling one. Finally, officers and the RSM would wear a new yellow fabric badge. This model was already worn in the 1970s by the guidon’s escort at the Sher H.

I could talk about it for hours, but I am running out of space. For the curious, you can come and see me for more information about the project.

The RSM,

Sept. 2020

CWO D. Lapalme-Robitaille

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