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Trophy of Cpl Letellier—Best Cpl

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Cpl Denis Letellier was a member of the troop with A Squadron of the Sherbrooke Hussars from January 1984 to October 1987. Cpl Letellier died in October 1987 while participating in a reconnaissance exercise in the Bishopton and Bury area. He was then driving the Jeep Iltis to the Regimental Command Post (RCP). During a road movement where he had to take members of the RCP to visit troops who were in observation posts in the Bishopton area, Cpl Letellier was confronted with a slippery road surface due to snow conditions. His vehicle slid onto the shoulder of the road and overturned. Cpl. Letellier died instantly. Following this unfortunate event, the Sherbrooke Hussars staff has created a commemorative trophy in memory of Cpl Denis Letellier.

This trophy is awarded to the best corporal each year for one year of training, from January 1 to December 31. The following selection criteria have been established: the recipient corporal must have exemplary discipline and set an example for his peers. He/she must have been assiduous in all the training sessions in which he/she was required to participate and must have demonstrated a high level of professionalism in the rank of corporal. In the pure regimental tradition, the trophy for the best corporal was presented for the first time at the Sherbrooke Hussars in December 1988, to Cpl Patrick Jodoin, by LCol Connors.

Here are the recipients throughout the years :

- Cpl Jeremy Betteridge - 2022

- Cpl Lou Fréchette - 2021

- Cpl Bradley Daignault - 2020

- Cpl Vincent Anderson - 2019

- Cpl Kevin Macaulay

- Cpl Nicolas Bouchard

- Cpl Rasti Al-Wandi - 2016

- Cpl Michael Gince - 2015

- Cpl Michael Lafrance - 2014

- Cpl Marc-Antoine Latullipe - 2013

- Cpl Michael Breton - 2012

- Cpl Sébastien Therrien - 2011

- Cpl Kevin Johnson - 2010

- Cpl Isabelle Proteau - 2009

- Cpl Ludovic Thibault - 2008-2007

- Cpl Racine - 2006

- Cpl Champoux, X - 2005

- Cpl Scott Daignault - 2004

- Cpl Belhumeur - 2003

- Cpl Annie Gallant - 2002

- Cpl Champoux - 2001

- Cpl Stéphane Gosselin - 2000

- Cpl Grimard, M - 1999

- Cpl Quinn, C - 1998

- Cpl Scott Daignault - 1997

- Cpl Therrien, J - 1996

- Cpl Christopher Kent - 1995

- Cpl Nicol, F - 1994

- Cpl Harmer, P - 1993

- Cpl David Blanchard - 1992

- Cpl Bélanger, M - 1991

- Cpl Guy Boisjoli - 1990

- Cpl Normandin, C - 1989

- Cpl Jodoin, P - 1988

Cpl (Now MCpl) Jeremy Betteridge was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2022

Cpl (Now MCpl) Lou Fréchette was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2021

Cpl (Now MCpl) Bradley Daignault was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2020

Cpl Vincent Anderson was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2019

Cpl Kevin Macaulay was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2018

Cpl (Now Sgt) Nicolas Bouchard was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2017.

Cpl Marc-Antoine Latullipe was awarded the Denis Letellier Trophy in 2013

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