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A well celebrated regiment birthday

On September 22 and 23, the regiment celebrated its 157th anniversary by organizing a regimental dinner and a golf tournament, to the great pleasure of those present.

Regimental dinner

We were fortunate to receive BGen Dan Chafaï as guest of honor for the regimental dinner, which brought together more than 60 former and current members, as well as friends of the regiment. He was able to tour our facilities as well as meet several members of our unit.

The reception took place within our walls, at the Woodward Temporary Site. As evidenced by the photos taken, the atmosphere and decor were no less successful.

We took the opportunity to honor Mr. François Sylvestre, who left his position as Honorary Colonel of the regiment during the year 2022. As you can see in the photos, Mr. Sylvestre was very grateful for the awards given to him.

The music of the Fusiliers de Sherbrooke helped create a warm atmosphere, for an event with a rather formal flavor.

Regimental Golf Tournament

As for the golf tournament on Saturday, September 23, it was organized by the Sherbrooke Hsusars Association at the Coaticook Golf Club. More than 15 teams completed the 18 holes, bringing together more than 70 people in total, including support members and members of the regimental kit shop who were present.

As usual, competitions for the longest drive, the best approach shot and the best putter shot took place at the same time as the normal course of play.

The dinner following the tournament allowed both players and organizers to socialize and of course to end the day on a good note.

Congratulations to the winning team of the tournament composed of:

- Sgt Sylvain Gagnon

- Mrs. Chantale Gagnon

- Mr. Patrick Vallée

- Mr. Eric Winters

Thanks to the members of the Sherbrooke Hussars Association for organizing the activity, which was a great success.

Slt Dean Moffatt

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